Sunday, July 29, 2012

Molly's Favorite Thing

Here's another piece I completed over the San Diego Comic Con weekend... If you are interested it's available here at Naughty Bids. Plus, as an extra incentive, whoever is the winning bidder will also receive a free copy of SizZle Magazine!

More to cum soon...

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Friday, July 27, 2012


Just a screen shot of my point of view at work. I captured this screen by mistake hitting the Print Screen button and had the surprise when I pasted it on the BG 5 page I was working on at the time. Then I thought it make a interesting post. Maybe a series of P.O.V shots.

Until next post, stay naughty...

Saturday, July 7, 2012

After a long hiatus from working on Banana Games due to some personal issues, I'm right back on the saddle and raring to go. I'll be on a regular schedule starting this Monday (July 9th) and on the shelves as soon as possible. I'm not big on posting constant progress piece by piece but will post the occasional Book 1 and the Reduex in book 5 comparisons. I'm looking forward to giving you the remainder of the story arc and beyond.

Until my next post, stay naughty.  

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Getting There

I meant to be able to update here a lot more than I have been, but silly things, like life, sort of get in the way. Not one to make excuses, I just get behind sometimes and need to take care of things. On the plus side I'll be spending the rest of the summer painting the last ten pages of the final GIRL book. You might be asking yourself "It's just the beginning of July. Two months for ten pages?" Like I mentioned,I'm not one to make excuses, but I have things that need taken care of also. And when you see the final pages, you'll understand. In any event, by September I hope to have this book ready for the printers. I'm almost there, so keep your fingers crossed.